I have studied sociology at University of Graz and currently I am a Phd candidate at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences in Graz and external Phd candidate at the RWTH Aachen University. My pdh thesis is about ‘Gendering of Academic Cultures in Natural Sciences’ where I analyze the co-construction of science and gender and therefore the heterogeneous processes of gendering in geology and chemistry. Since May 2013 I am a university assistant at the Department of Sociology in the research area ‘Sociology of Gender & Gender Studies’. My research and teaching focus is on Sociology of Gender, Science Studies and Research of Higher Education, Feminist and Queer Science and Technology Studies, Qualitative Methods, Sociology of Technology and Queer Theory.
Short Vita
since 5/2013 University Assistant at Department of Sociology, University of Graz
since 1/2013 Board of the ÖGS-section ‘Feminist Theory and Gender Studies’
since 03/2010 Doctoral Programme, Social and Economic Sciences; University of Graz
6/2010 – 4/2013 Research Assistant at Department of Sociology, University of Graz
05/2010 Institute for Technology and Regional Politics, JOANNEUM RESEARCH
2008-2010 Master Programme Sociology; University of Graz
10/2007 – 02/2009 Institute of Science, Technology and Society Studies (IFZ) Graz, Area Women* – Technology – Environment;
2004-2008 Bachelor Programme Sociology, University of Graz
Publications (for Queer-STS Publications click here)
Paulitz, Tanja; Hey, Barbara; Kink, Susanne; Prietl, Bianca (Hg.) (2015): Akademische Wissenskulturen und soziale Praxis. Geschlechterforschung zu natur-, technik- und geisteswissenschaftlichen Fächern Reihe: Forum Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung der DGS-Sektion. Band 42. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
Paulitz, Tanja; Kink, Susanne; Prietl, Bianca (2015): Fachliche Distinktion und Geschlechterunterscheidung in Technik- und Naturwissenschaften. Grundlagen- und anwendungsorientierte Wissenskulturen im Vergleich. In: dies.; Hey, Barbara (Hg.): Akademische Wissenskulturen und soziale Praxis. Münster: Dampfoot Verlag, 207-225.
Paulitz, Tanja, Kink Susanne (2011): Making epistemic distinctions: Gender and the heterogeneity of science. In: Hofstätter, Birgit & Getzinger, Günter (Hg.): Proceedings of the 10th Annual IAS-STS Conference on Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies, 2. -3. May 2011 (CD-ROM). Graz: IFZ Eigenverlag.