Contact person
Birgit Hofstätter
+43 677 61 01 59 18
c/o Frauen*forum Salzkammergut
Soleweg 7/3
A-4802 Ebensee am Traunsee
Opening hours/regular meetings
Every first Friday of the month, 7pm
at alternating places in Salzkammergut,
every 3rd month open to interested persons (publicly announced)
Salzkammerqueer is a project made possible through Bad Ischl and Salzkammergut becoming European Cultural Capital 2024. Queer people in rural areas still lack visible, institutionalised communities they could join. Two women’s organisations – Frauen*forum Salzkammergut and Insel – Mädchen und Frauenzentrum – have joined forces and use their own standing in the region to open spaces for queer people to come together. In contrast to the informal funding of queer communities, Salzkammerqueer gets funding for professional community building, events for awareness raising, and a participatory video project. Furthermore the community organizes a monthly open evening at alternating venues across the Salzkammergut region.
In 2024 the first “SalzkammerPride” has been organized by volunteers, featuring queer stars like Austrian icon Conchita Wurst, Chris Conde and Myles Bullen (both USA), or the Viennese drag collective BroHomo and art pop duo Kardamom.T. More than 4.000 people participated or witnessed this significant event for the community. Additionally, the event lead the Salzkammerqueer community to a greater network of supporters and other queer organizations. Representatives were even invited to the National Congress of queer organizations in Austria.
Who is involved
The target groups of this initiatives are queer people living in the area of Salzkammergut or having roots there and want to get involved with ‘back home’. We also welcome friends and family of queer people and allies.
Salzkammerqueer was initiated by Birgit Hofstätter (Frauen*forum Salzkammergut) and Sabine Weninger-Bodlak (Insel) and funded as a project of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut 2024.
The community building process was facilitated by Clar Gallistl and their team of Community Building Austria. The project collaborated with Polish photographer Karolina Jackowska and Austrian film maker Hanna Hofstätter. A number of volunteers and community members are currently taking over responsibilities in order to carry and keep Salzkammerqueer a vital and powerful community in the region – even after the project funding ends and new funds have to be applied for.